If the class is divided into groups thought by different teachers, enter them into the form!
First name: -
Last name: -
Company name: -
Email address: -
Phone: -
City: -
Address: -
Postal code: -
Country: -
Company registration number: -
VAT number: -
School/Institution: -
School/Institution type: -
Region: -
District: -
Note: -
Total credit amount: - €
Class name: -
Native language: -
Foreign language: -
Number of students: -
From: -
Number of months: -
Price per class:
You will receive an advance invoice via e-mail in a few minutes.
(check your SPAM folder as well)
The payment can be processed via bank transfer or via bank card (click on the button below).
IBAN: SK86 1100 0000 0029 4506 2031
Total amount: € (VAT excludedVAT included)
Variable symbol:
Payment due: 29.09.2024
When you process the payment, we will send you simple instructions on how to sign up along with the access codes.
Thank you for choosing WocaBee!
You will receive an advance invoice via e-mail in a few minutes.
(check your SPAM folder as well)
The payment can be processed via bank transfer or via bank card (click on the button below).
IBAN: SK86 1100 0000 0029 4506 2031
Total credit amount: €
Total amount: € (VAT excludedVAT included)
Variable symbol:
Payment due: 29.09.2024
Thank you for choosing WocaBee!